Friday, February 27, 2009

Class2 Homework Assignment - Actor's Home Page

Hello everyone,

Here is my solution to Step 2 of the homework. I went about it in a similar way to Bryan, using four containers (3 within a main one). And I played around with the sizes of boxes a lot to make things fit. I also used absolute positioning for the containers. I had 17 CSS entries, but did not need to use more than one“clear entry”.

Please see my basic wireframe here:

Step 2

For applying design techniques, I have used a friend of mine (since she is an actress) as an example:

Step 2 Advanced

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Flower shop home page diagram

I did not add "place an order" as I thought one would either use the quick order form or choose what they wanted from this page, then place their order.

First Post

Bonjour et Bienvenue.